Top 10 reasons why parents choose Advaitam Child Enrichment & Day care centre for their children

1. Great programs at one place:
As a parent you are most likely taking you child to different afterschool and weekend programs. One common issue is that, more often than not, you have to ferry you child to various institutes in your location since a single institute may not cater to other programs. This issue gets considerably addressed at Advaitam where you can enrol your child for multiple programs and save travel time considerably. Many programs means more options for you child. You could enrol for one program for sometime and later switch to another program easily. This brings in the much needed variety for your child. Further, you need not worry about the safety of your child and quality of the programs since this is taken care completely by Advaitam team to give you a predictable and assured quality service. You child is also comfortable going to a known place.
2. Highly researched and advanced curriculum / approach:
You will often come across institutes offering programs with no relevance to the new generation child, they still follow obsolete curriculum and ancient teaching approach. The result is that the child is bored quickly and most likely discontinue the program. At Advaitam, all programs are continuously evolving so as to maintain relevance to the new generation. Most of the programs have no end date and children can continue for years at the same place. The children get to see and do new things all the time.
3. Individualized Attention
The name “Advaitam” means “unique” in sanskrit. The founding philosophy of Advaitam is to work with each child on an individual level. We believe that every child deserves to be dealt individually and we put in all our efforts in understanding each child, how they respond to brain stimulus and what works for that child. We pride ourselves in making a difference to each and every child. While there are institutes who bench mark their performance on volume (no of children), we would like to bench mark on the depth of interaction with each child. More the depth more the impact.
4. World class learning aids and kits
We believe in providing world class, best of the breed learning aids, tools and kits to our students be it indigenous or imported. We try to get the best products to enable learning to the best possible extent. We are not a brand shop that is restricted to a particular brand of kit. It is very important that children get the best possible exposure to learning. As parents it may be impractical to purchase expensive kits due to issues with maintaining them and getting full value for the money. At Advaitam, children get exposure to great tools at the fraction of the price. It’s a win-win situation for parents which ever way you look at it.
5. Secure, energetic and vibrant environment:
In today’s world it would be foolish to believe that environment does not make a difference in learning. It definitely makes an impact by taking away concerns regarding security, hygiene and negativity. At Advaitam, security and hygiene is of utmost importance. The entire place exults positive energy and vibrancy.
6. Skilled and Experienced team:
Advaitam takes away the concern related to finding appropriately skilled teachers for your child. Advaitam has a stringent screening process to get the right teachers with the right skills, experience, attitude and passion for various programs. We believe that teachers who are passionate about their subject pass on the excitement to the students. Children pickup on the excitement quickly and that in turn helps in the learning process. We do not conduct programs with standby teachers who do not have the skills and attitude.
7. Flexible scheduling of programs:
All the programs are scheduled as per the convenience of the children and parents. Appropriate compensatory system is in place in case any child misses a session due to exams, illness etc. Programs are distributed across the week and at various times to enable children to enrol to as many programs as possible. Thus parents can bring their child to a known and trusted place which also gives them a peace of mind.
8. Year long (after school / weekends) and Summer programs:
No matter which time of the year it is, there are always programs available for your child. You can join any batch at any time since the approach is individualized and not as batches. A child can set their own pace of learning. Year long programs are available as as after school and weekend batches. These programs are typically continuous and not have any end dates. During summer vacations there are programs available through out the day and in convenient packages as per your need. You can choose the programs you want and the duration. It can’t get better than this!

9. Great Value:
Advaitam believes that all the above facilities need not come at a premium. All programs can be packaged to suit you requirement and multiple options are available to cater to various spending needs. One way of looking at this is, a trip to a movie or treat at a burger joint is costlier than a session of most of our programs. So value lies in how you look at your childs extra curricular needs.
10. Day care with a difference:
Advaitam’s Day care plus program helps you utilize your childs time at day care in a very productive and meaningful manner. The enriched day care facility at Advaitam is a departure from the standard mundane day care you have been used to earlier.
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